Profiling Peak DRAM Use in R With Perl - Part 1
Another year, another opportunity for Perl to excel as a system’s language. Today I decided to take Perl for a (?)wild ride and use it to monitor peak physical DRAM use in a R script. Due to the multi-language nature of the post, there will be a lot of R code in the first part of the series; however, the code is self-explanatory, and should not be difficult to understand (the same applies to the Perl code for those coming from a R background). For those of you who would like to skip the R part (why?), jump straight to the end Part 1 to see the solution and then go to Part 2 for the details.
First, a little bit of background about R’s memory management and the tools that one can use within R to monitor how the process is managing memory. R similar to Perl (?)frees the programmer from having to manage memory manually by providing dynamically allocated containers. R features a garbage collector, which similar to Perl’s uses a reference counting mechanism to return memory back to the operating system. Managing memory in R is as critical as managing memory in Perl, and there are tools available that are built-in the language (the Names and Values in the 2nd edition of the book “Advanced R” is a valuable introduction to memory management, while the Chapter Memory in the first edition of that book is also a useful read). The basic tool used to profile R code is the builtin function Rprof that samples the call stack and writes it out to a log-file that can be subsequently parsed. In the documentation of Rprof, one finds the following disclaimer:
Note that the (timing) interval cannot be too small. With
‘"cpu"’, the time spent in each profiling step is currently added
to the interval. With all profiling events, the computation in
each profiling step causes perturbation to the observed system and
biases the results. What is feasible is machine-dependent. On
Linux, R requires the interval to be at least 10ms, on all other
platforms at least 1ms. Shorter intervals will be rounded up with
a warning.
The relative slow sampling frequencing implies that one must somehow slow the code down to capture peak memory usage. One solution for those of us in Linux systems is to take the hint and release the valgrid Kraken as detailed in Profiling R code for memory use; this will really slow the code down and then we can capture stuff (note that taking the hint, also applies to Perl, i.e. see Test::Valgrind in MetaCPAN). But ultimately, we would like not to slow the code that much, especially if we are also trying to obtain performance information at the same time as we profile the memory.
Assuming that one does not want to use an interactive tool to profile the code (the excellent profvis comes to mind), then one is stuck with the low-level option provided by Rprof logging and summaryRprof parsing. This leads us to the next question: what is the overhead by these tools? Overhead is paid in both hard disk space and execution time. Let’talk about space first: for a high resolution logging (e.g. sampling every 10msec), the log file will grow by ~ 10kb per second of calculation. This may not seem much, but profiling an involved calculation quickly adds up: to profile an expression that takes 10shr to execute will consume 10 x 3600 x 10 = 360000 KB ~ 360MB (incidentally ~10hr is the longest calculation I have ever done in R).To give a sense of measure, the total size of the files in my /var/log is ~1.1GB. And yes, while hard-disks are getting bigger, this is no excuse to fill them with log files! To give an idea of the time overhead, we will need to provide an alternative to hard-disk logging (hint: this will be a Perl program!), but first let’s provide a straightforward R implementation of a logging function.
bench_time_mem<-function(x) { ## x is the R expression to profile
gc(reset=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) ## force a gc here
profing_fname <- tempfile() ## create a temporary file
Rprof(filename=profing_fname, memory.profiling=TRUE,interval=0.01)
time<-system.time(x,gcFirst = FALSE)
Rprof(NULL) ## stop profiling and logging
memprof<-summaryRprof(profing_fname, memory="tseries",lines="hide",diff=TRUE)
mem_alloc<-sum(memprof[-1,"vsize.large"]) ## get memory allocated via malloc
time_prof<-summaryRprof(profing_fname, memory="none",lines="hide",diff=TRUE)
unlink(profing_fname) ## delete the logfiles
The code should be self-explanatory even for non R users : it first triggers the garbage collector, and then in sequence creates a temporary file, starts logging to that file, execute the R expression (R code within brackets, similar to how one would provide an anonymous code reference in Perl), then parses the file to get memory usage and timing), and returns the total time, the size of the memory allocated by R in the stack when running the expression, and the size of the log file.
Here is a minimally working example:
## function for busy waiting for a fixed number of seconds
busy_wait <- function(seconds) {
start_time <- Sys.time()
stop_time <- Sys.time()
while (difftime(stop_time, start_time, units = "secs") < seconds) {
stop_time <- Sys.time()
work_time <- 1 # second(s)
busy_wait(work_time); ## work without allocation
q<-rnorm(N); ## Gaussian random variables
busy_wait(work_time); ## work with allocation
rm(q);gc(reset=F) ## free memory/trigger the gc
q2<-rnorm(N); ## another allocation
busy_wait(work_time); ## busy working!
rm(q2);gc(reset=F) ## free the memory yet again
In this example, we first provide an implementation of a function busy_wait
that simulates a work load without further allocation.
The actual code to be profiled, alternates periods of busy waiting with allocation and de-allocation. With the values of N
and work_time
in the code snippet, I obtain the following code profile summary:
> val
total_time R_gc_alloc logfile_size
3.4 1600000.0 32446.0
Let’s talk about these figures: first note that parsing the Rprof, does not allow one direct access to the peak memory used during the calculation (only the total amount of memory allocated in the stack). While this information is crucial for performance, i.e. one pays a price for every byte moved around, it is not very informative about whether t he program will even run in the machine, as the datasets scale: R processes data in memory, and when the physical memory is exhausted, the operating system will put the R process out of its misery. In the example above, the peak memory usage while the expression executes is N*8 (since rnorm returns a double precision floating number in C parlance), but since two allocations were done, the profiler can only report their sum. In fact, the output is virtually indistinguishable from the following code which allocates an array of 2 x N doubles in a single go.
total_time R_gc_alloc logfile_size
3.2 1600000.0 30773.0
While both codes allocated the same total amount of memory, the first code would work if one allocated the entirety of the free memory in a given machine, while the second would croak when roughly half the free memory was requested.
The difference of ~0.2sec execution time, is the price one has to pay for triggering R’s garbage collector. The following shows that while allocating an array of 10^5 doubles and filling it with random numbers is very fast (it takes 6msec in my machine), triggering the gaarbage collector is 32x slower.
> system.time(rnorm(N))
user system elapsed
0.006 0.000 0.006
> system.time({q<-rnorm(N);rm(q);gc(reset=FALSE)})
user system elapsed
0.193 0.000 0.194
So how can one get the peak DRAM usage without logging anything to the hard disk? The answer, which will be provided in Part 2, blends together R and Perl and is conceptually very simple, design-wise:
- write a Perl script that probes the
command line utility for resident set size (RSS) i.e. the footprint of the R process in DRAM. - put the probing of the RSS in a monitoring loop, so that awakens periodically to sample the size of the RSS in realtime and compares it to that at the beginning of the monitoring phase
- start the Perl monitoring script as sub-process of the R process, provide it with the Process ID (PID) of the R process and put it in the background
- when the R expression concludes, kill the Perl process and report the maximum difference of the RSS from the baseline; this gives the peak (over the baseline) footprint of the program in DRAM.
(to be continued…)