Profiling Peak DRAM Use in R With Perl - Part 2
In the second part of this we implement the solution that was outlines at the end of Part 1:
- utilize a Perl application that probes the operating system in real time for the RSS (Resident Set Size), i.e. the DRAM footprint of an application
- fire the application from within R as a separate process, provide it with the PID (Process ID) of the R session and put it in the background
- do the long, memory hungry application
- upon the end of the calculation kill the Perl application and obtain DRAM usage for use within R
The Perl application that implements the first step is straightforward:
- Obtain the command line arguments : the PID of the R session, a monitoring interval and a temporary file …
- for the Perl application to write out its own PID
- Obtain the initial memory usage by call the
command line utility, using the excellent (and safe as it bypasses the shell!) - IPC::System::Simple MetaCPAN module
- Register an event handler that will write out the peak change (“$max_delta”) change of the RSS from the initial value, as well s the initial value
- Go into an infinite loop, in which
- ps is probed for the current value of the RSS,
- subtracts it from the initial,
- updates the value of $max_delta if the current value over the baseline is larger than the
- goes to sleep for a user defined period of time
- reawakens at the top of the
# Name:
# Purpose: Registers peak DRAM usage of a process
# Usage: perl <PID> <interval_in_seconds> <pidfile>
# Example: perl 12345 1 /tmp/pidfile
# Date: January 19th 2025
# Author: Christos Argyropoulos
# License: MIT
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(nanosleep); # high res waiting
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capturex); # safe capture that bypasses the shell
# Process the command line
my ( $pid, $interval_sec, $pidfile ) = @ARGV;
die "Usage: $0 <PID> <interval_in_seconds> <pidfile>\n"
unless defined $pid && defined $interval_sec && defined $pidfile;
# Write our own PID that R will use to kill the Perl application
open( my $fh, '>', $pidfile ) or die "Can't write to $pidfile: $!";
print $fh "$$\n";
close $fh;
# Obtain initial memory usage
my $interval = $interval_sec * 1_000_000_000;
my $initial_mem = capturex('ps', 'o', 'rss=', 'p', $pid);
my $max_delta = 0;
# Register the INT and TERM signal handlers to print peak and initial DRAM usage
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
print "$max_delta\t$initial_mem\n";
exit 0;
# Obtain the RSS, store the maximum delta up to this point, sleep and re-awaken
while (1) {
my $current = capturex('ps', 'o', 'rss=', 'p', $pid);
my $delta = $current - $initial_mem;
$max_delta = $delta if $delta > $max_delta;
Having delegated the peak DRAM monitoring to Perl, R is now free to obtain execution timings and memory allocation using Henrik Bengtsson’s excellent profmem
The package’s vignette may be found here and explains what id does and how this works (emphasis is mine):
The profmem() function uses the utils::Rprofmem() function for logging memory allocation events to a temporary file. The logged events are parsed and returned as an in-memory R object in a format that is convenient to work with. All memory allocations that are done via the native allocVector3() part of R’s native API are logged, which means that nearly all memory allocations are logged. Any objects allocated this way are automatically deallocated by R’s garbage collector at some point. Garbage collection events are not logged **by profmem(). **Allocations not logged are those done by non-R native libraries or R packages that use native code Calloc() / Free() for internal objects. Such objects are not handled by the R garbage collector.
Based on this description,
and profmem
are complementary: the former will log peak running memory use, while the latter will log in all
allocations, and the combination will provide the best of both worlds.
The tricky part in the implementation is how to ensure that one does end up with an orphan Perl process
when the long calculation throws an error, and thus avoid having to kill the orphan somehow (Unix terminology is so violent). However, the Perl side should not
have to worry about the prospect of becoming an orphan, or detecting it has become one. Killing the Perl process (orphan or not), is a task for R, but Perl has
to help out, by providing R with the PID of the Perl application. Completion of the communication loop is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for culling
the orphan and R has to do its part when implementing the 2nd and 4th step of the top level logic. Here is where R’s tryCatch-finally
facilities come to shine:
# Benchmarking allocations, peak DRAM use and execution timing of an expression in R
bench_time_mem<-function(x) {
gc(reset=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) ## force a gc here
pidfile <- tempfile() # temp file to story Perl's PID
outfile <- tempfile() # stdout redirection for Perl
pid <- Sys.getpid() # get R's PID
Sys.sleep(0.2) # Wait for PID file to be written
monitor_pid <- readLines(pidfile)[1] # Get Perl's PID
tryCatch (
expr = {
mem<-profmem(time<-system.time(x,gcFirst = FALSE))
retval<-c(time,"R_gc_alloc" = sum(mem$bytes,na.rm=T))
}, # execute R expression, get timing and allocations
finally = {
system2("kill",c("-TERM", monitor_pid)) # kill the ? orphan
Sys.sleep(0.2) # Wait for Perl to finish logging
header=FALSE) # get memory statistics
unlink(c(pidfile,outfile)) # cleanup files
retval<-c(retval ,
"delta"= memstats[1,1]*1024,
"initial"= memstats[1,2]*1024
The logic of the R partner is fairly straightforward:
- Obtain the PID of the R process and a temporary file location for
to store its PID - Launch
and put it in the background - Proceed to execute the user provided expression in the
bloc and obtain allocations and execution timings withmem<-profmem(time<-system.time(x,gcFirst = FALSE))
- Sum the total memory allocated during the execution of the user expression
- Kill the Perl process in the
block. This code will be executed even if errors are encountered in the user’s expression, and hence no orphan will be allowed to live - Package the DRAM usage into the return value vector and send it to the user, along with allocations and timings.
Let’s look at a complete example written as a R script with command line parsing to see what we have achieved. For this example, we will use the two sequential and the one large allocation we considered in Part 1 :
# Script Name: profile_time_memory.R
# Purpose: illustrate how to profile time and memory usage in R
# Usage: Rscript profile_time_memory.R --sleep_time 1 --size 1E6 --monitor_step 0.001
# Date: January 19th 2025
# Author: Christos Argyropoulos
# License: MIT
# Define command line options
spec <- matrix(c(
'sleep_time', 's', 1, "numeric", "Sleep time in seconds [default 1]",
'size', 'n', 1, "numeric", "Size of the problem N [default 1E6]",
'monitor_step', 'm', 1, "numeric", "Monitoring step in seconds [default 0.001]",
'help', 'h', 0, "logical", "Show this help message and exit"
), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5)
# Parse command line options
opt <- getopt(spec)
# Assign command line arguments to variables
if(is.null(opt$sleep_time)) opt$sleep_time<-1
if(is.null(opt$size)) opt$size<-1E6
if(is.null(opt$monitor_step)) opt$monitor_step<-0.001
sleep_time <- opt$sleep_time
N <- opt$size
step_of_monitor <- opt$monitor_step
busy_wait <- function(seconds) {
start_time <- Sys.time()
stop_time <- Sys.time()
while (difftime(stop_time, start_time, units = "secs") < seconds) {
stop_time <- Sys.time()
bench_time_mem<-function(x) {
gc(reset=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) ## force a gc here
pidfile <- tempfile() # temp file to story Perl's PID
outfile <- tempfile() # stdout redirection for Perl
pid <- Sys.getpid() # get R's PID
Sys.sleep(0.2) # Wait for PID file to be written
monitor_pid <- readLines(pidfile)[1] # Get Perl's PID
tryCatch (
expr = {
mem<-profmem(time<-system.time(x,gcFirst = FALSE))
retval<-c(time,"R_gc_alloc" = sum(mem$bytes,na.rm=T))
}, # execute R expression, get timing and allocations
finally = {
system2("kill",c("-TERM", monitor_pid)) # kill the ? orphan
Sys.sleep(0.2) # Wait for Perl to finish logging
header=FALSE) # get memory statistics
unlink(c(pidfile,outfile)) #cleanup files
retval<-c(retval ,
"delta"= memstats[1,1]*1024,
"initial"= memstats[1,2]*1024
cat("\n Allocating a double vector of length N = ",N," in R")
cat("\n with busy waiting period T = ",sleep_time," seconds")
cat("\n and monitoring memory every : ",step_of_monitor," seconds")
cat("\n Will allocate N->gc->N and then 2N at once\n")
cat("\n Measured vs alloc'd in R (2N at once): ", valcp["delta"]/valcp["R_gc_alloc"])
cat("\n Measured vs alloc'd in R (N-> gc ->N): ", val["delta"]/val["R_gc_alloc"])
cat("\n Performance of the two allocations : ")
cat("\n N-> gc ->N : \n")
cat("\n 2N at once : \n")
Running this from the command line we obtain the following output:
Rscript --vanilla profile_time_memory.R -s 1 -n 1000000 -m 0.00001
Allocating a double vector of length N = 1e+06 in R
with busy waiting period T = 1 seconds
and monitoring memory every : 1e-05 seconds
Will allocate N->gc->N and then 2N at once
Measured vs alloc'd in R (2N at once): 0.995325
Measured vs alloc'd in R (N-> gc ->N): 0.4750328
Performance of the two allocations :
N-> gc ->N :
user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child R_gc_alloc
3.135 0.022 3.163 0.000 0.000 16210416.000
delta initial
7700480.000 76742656.000
2N at once :
user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child R_gc_alloc
3.088 0.017 3.110 0.000 0.000 16000048.000
delta initial
15925248.000 84443136.000
As you can see the Perl monitor identified that the peak memory use of the sequential allocation-deallocation-allocation was half than of a single-step allocation of the entire workspace.
The Perl application’s ability to monitor the process in very fine resolution (theoretically up to nanosec, but reallistically one microsecond is where I’d draw the limit), comes handy when one
has to monitor spikes in peak memory usage. Consider the example, in which some recently allocated memory is used for a fast task and then discarded (this is simulated by providing a small value to the s
argument of the script).
At low resolution, our estimates of the peak memory use are biased, e.g. :
Rscript --vanilla profile_time_memory.R -s .001 -n 1000000 -m 0.1
Allocating a double vector of length N = 1e+06 in R
with busy waiting period T = 0.001 seconds
and monitoring memory every : 0.1 seconds
Will allocate N->gc->N and then 2N at once
Measured vs alloc'd in R (2N at once): 0.07372778
Measured vs alloc'd in R (N-> gc ->N): 0.3777522
Performance of the two allocations :
N-> gc ->N :
user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child R_gc_alloc
0.154 0.012 0.165 0.000 0.000 16210416.000
delta initial
6123520.000 76742656.000
2N at once :
user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child R_gc_alloc
0.108 0.011 0.119 0.000 0.000 16000048.000
delta initial
1179648.000 84635648.000
However changing the resolution of monitoring re-establishes accuracy:
Rscript --vanilla profile_time_memory.R -s .001 -n 1000000 -m 0.0001
Allocating a double vector of length N = 1e+06 in R
with busy waiting period T = 0.001 seconds
and monitoring memory every : 1e-04 seconds
Will allocate N->gc->N and then 2N at once
Measured vs alloc'd in R (2N at once): 0.995325
Measured vs alloc'd in R (N-> gc ->N): 0.4750328
Performance of the two allocations :
N-> gc ->N :
user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child R_gc_alloc
0.180 0.007 0.188 0.000 0.000 16210416.000
delta initial
7700480.000 76746752.000
2N at once :
user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child R_gc_alloc
0.119 0.009 0.128 0.000 0.000 16000048.000
delta initial
15925248.000 84447232.000
Having described the solution, let’s provide some limitations and a context of use that acknowledges these limitations and some extensions:
- Small allocations (e.g. 100k doubles or below) will be invisible to the Perl monitor. This appears to be related to how the OS manages memory and how the kernel updates the page that is raided by
for data - This code is thus best used to monitor large allocations in long calculations
- One can extend the Perl monitor to take action with respect to R if memory usage grows at an unstainable rate, alert the user etc (
- important in my mind for large tasks executing remotely e.g. over the weekend). This is an interesting extension for future work
- One can easily extend the Perl to work under MacOs (trivial - as it has a
command line utility), and Windows, e.g. run R underWSL2
or usetasklist
instead ofps
(another possible extension)
I hope you enjoyed this journey with R and Perl so far! Have fun until the next time.